Today is a very sad day. A few minutes ago my dad has told me that “Mus”, my dear dog, has just passed away. I am crying like a baby. I can’t help it. Many people do not understand that you can really love your dog. It is because they never had one. Or because they never loved them.
Yesterday I watched “The unberable lightness of being”. I had read the book a few years ago. Those of you who have read it probably remember the chapter “Karenin’s smile”. I did cry when I read it and I cried again yesterday when I watched the movie. The “Karenin” on the movie reminded me of “Mus”, they were both a simiar kind of shepherd dog: loyal, joyful, full of life, their facial expression was alike. I could even tell, as Tomas and Teresa did, when “Mus” smiled too.
Mus, I am gonna miss your cheerful home welcomings, your funny laziness, your always being there without complain, our walks on the beach, our walks in the snow, the throwing of stones and sticks, how much you hated being on pictures, your sitting down waiting for a cookie, the look in your eyes.
You were a great dog. I will miss you and I will always take in you in my heart.