A foreigner's MBA (and related) adventures in the "Big Apple"

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Hotel memories

It’s 2 am and I have just arrived at my place. It was supposed to be a quiet night and I have gone to a friend’s place in Bleecker St. to have dinner. I am not very used to the Greenwich Village by night. I like it but I think that I will keep sticking with my dear East. I have bought a bottle of Bordeaux – not very good but tasty enough after the first glass – and after some pisco sour and a few glasses of wine, I was a little more merry than I expected…

It’s been a fun talk with my friend about our MBA experience (he graduated last May and is working in NY already), our decisions, moving to NY, the city itself…and obviously about chicks. We have been recalling a number of girls that have remained in our memories: girlfriends, one night stands, that girl that you liked but you never got… I have particularly enjoyed recalling my stories with girls and hotels. It’s curious how some nights can be long remembered, including the most subtle detail. My relationship with hotels, in particular the 5-star one that I visited twice, lingers in my mind. It was really awesome…and it was cool to bring it back for a few minutes.

But time has gone by since then, almost a couple of years, and next time I write on this blog I will be thirty already… it’s great news since the best things are meant to occur after you turn thirty. I was not very sure about that, but I can tell you that I definitely am now... I just can’t think otherwise!

Let’s just see if I can’t celebrate properly tomorrow! Time to get some sleep. Tomorrow there’s plenty of work to do before partying…


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