A foreigner's MBA (and related) adventures in the "Big Apple"

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wasabi chickpeas

I am really tired. It may be the jet lag after a short (i.e. 2 days) transoceanic trip back to my hometown last weekend. It may be that the idea of working two full days a week and having class until 9 pm two other days is beginning to hurt me (who the heck said that my second year was gonna be "smooth"?). Or maybe it is the two beers that I had yesterday night at a crazy Greek restaurant in Soho with a friend - and prospective dad - who arrived from L.A. (Btw, there was a belly dancer with a BELLY...pretty baaaaad!)

The thing is that it is the first time, as far as I remember, that I am writing a post from school. Why? Because I have not attended my Foundations of Entrepreneurship course after not reading the cases due for today. Too much stuff going on so I am chilling for a few minutes.

As I was saying last w/e I went back to my city to attend two very good friends' wedding. It was kind of crazy (in terms of time and money) to go on such a trip just for two days but I was one of the bestmen and it was worth it in the end. I was happy to be there and I know that so they were (although the groom forgot to mention the one coming from at least 4 times the distance than anybody else who was mentioned (i.e.NY) in his speech... it was the thrill of the moment!). I had a great time and I also had the chance to see some friends (and ex's)that I had not seen for a while. Even the priest who pronounced my friends husband and wife and who used to be my literature teacher in high school was there! The party was great and the w/e was great too...albeit Air France, which, once again, did its best to make my life miserable.

After two 8-hour trips, an all-night party and a considerable amount of time spent at the airports - all in a roughly 72-hour time frame - I was devastated by the time I was back in NY... "ready" for another hectic week!

The big news following my arrival was that I managed to found some wasabi nuts , wasabi chickpeas more precisely. I am sure my Aussie friends will understand my happiness after looking for them for a long time since I first tasted them in London Borough's market last summer.

I have not fully recovered yet from the trip. I am sleeping badly and I need some rest. I am not kidding about the tight schedule pressure but I just hope I will be able to get used to it...and that it will pay off in terms of a decent job upon graduation.

Another "problem" is that I do not even have time to relax. The LABA party, probably the best Stern party of the year is coming up tonight. I can't miss it and I won't, although tomorrow I will probably regret...or maybe not, who knows, hahahaha!

See ya!


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