A foreigner's MBA (and related) adventures in the "Big Apple"

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Getting my life back

I can’t fucking believe that this is over! After a few weeks struggling with my Competitive Strategy presentation, we have finally presented today. No case anymore, no long nights (yesterday, 330 am), no extra number crunching, no more ppt slides. I am exhausted and I am going to bed right now. But I really needed to write about this.

The presentation has gone fine and we have had a debriefing (sic) session after it with the professor (I have felt like Jack Bauer when the word debriefing has come into play – btw the beginning of season 7 of “24” has been postponed due to the screenwriters’ strike). It is kind of funny to go out for dinner with your professor and share some thoughts about your work. I still believe that the course is not worth the effort. I tried to softly tell the professor about how I feel but as I saw his face after my first not-very-positive comment I have backed off: B+ in the end. I guess we can’t complain.

Tomorrow at 9 am I have to give another short presentation in my Management Communication class. Since I have not had time to prepare it, I will have to wake up early, After that I will go to work. Although it will be a long day I do not feel the pressure any more.

I feel lighter now, a burden has fell off my shoulders and I feel like the next weeks – with Thanksgiving break just around the corner – will be good ones. Hopefully the life I was used to will get back to me. You can’t imagine how much I wish to replay to some friends’ emails, to have some good sleep, to spend a few days without rushing from one place to another and, more importantly, to dedicate some time to my job search. I just need it….


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